Neuer Amnesty-Bericht zu Todesurteilen und Hinrichtungen

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Amnesty International hat heute den Report DEATH SENTENCES AND EXECUTIONS 2019 veröffentlicht.

Die Behörden Vietnams haben keine Zahlen über Hinrichtungen oder Todesurteile im Jahr 2019 veröffentlicht. In einem Bericht an den Justizausschuss der Nationalversammlung, der Anfang September 2019 vorgelegt wurde, erklärte die Regierung, dass zwischen dem 1. Oktober 2018 und dem 31. Juli 2019 68 Männer hingerichtet worden seien und dass die Zahl der in den ersten sieben Monaten des Jahres 2019 verhängten Todesurteile um 25% höher sei als im gleichen Zeitraum 2018. Ferner wurde festgestellt, dass 229 Menschen seit fünf bis zehn Jahren in der Todeszelle auf ihre Hinrichtung gewartet hatten, 20 weitere warteten mehr als zehn Jahre auf ihre Hinrichtung.

Hier der vollständige Textauszug aus dem Bericht (Seite 31):

The authorities of Viet Nam did not release figures on executions or death sentences in 2019, making it impossible to assess trends on its use. In a report to the Justice Committee of the National Assembly for consideration in early September 2019, the Government stated that between 1 October 2018 and 31 July 2019, 68 men had been executed, and that the number of death sentences imposed in the first seven months of 2019 was 25% higher than in the same period in 2018.

It was further noted that 229 people had been waiting for their executions on death row for between five and 10 years, with 20 others waiting for more than 10 years. Ten prisoners had their executions on hold due to inconsistencies in their personal details, concerns of wrongful convictions or new information in the case.

Amnesty International monitored reports of executions and death sentences during the year but was only able to gather reports referring to 76 new death sentences, including three imposed for murder and 73 for drug trafficking. On 14 June the National Assembly of Viet Nam adopted the Criminal Law Enforcement Act, effective from 1 January 2020. Its section 4 sets out procedures to be followed for the implementation of death sentences and sets out grounds, such as the notification of new facts relating to the crime, that would allow for the postponement of the execution. The procedures do not foresee a final meeting between the prisoners and their relatives, while allowing the family members to claim the bodies for burial after the executions have been carried out.

The conviction and death sentence of Hồ Duy Hải were suspended in December, after the Supreme People’s Procuracy requested a re-investigation of the case. Hồ Duy Hải said that he was forced to “confess” to the murder through torture while interrogated by the police. He later retracted the “confession”. His case has been marred by further procedural irregularities and disregard of key exculpatory evidence. He has come close to execution twice in the past decade.